Educational opportunities

Educational opportunities

Higher education is determined by a set of systematized knowledge, skills, and practical skills, ways of thinking, professional, ideological and civic qualities, moral and ethical values, other competencies acquired in a higher education institution (scientific institution) in the relevant field of knowledge at a higher level which are higher than the level of complete general secondary education and are regulated by the Law of Ukraine «Про вищу освіту» of September 28, 2017 № 1556-18.

The university trains specialists according to the relevant educational-professional, educational-scientific, scientific programs at the following levels of higher education, which provide for the award of the appropriate degree of higher education:

  • initial level (short cycle) of higher education – bachelor (colleges of SUIT, Institute of Water Transportof SUIT);
  • the first (bachelor’s) – bachelor;
  • the second (master’s) – master;
  • third (educational and scientific) – Doctor of Philosophy;
  • scientific level – doctor of sciences.

The initial level (short cycle) of higher education presupposes the acquisition by higher education students with the ability to solve typical specialized tasks in a certain field of professional activity.

A bachelor’s degree is an educational-professional degree obtained at the primary level (short cycle) of higher education and awarded by a higher education institution as a result of successful completion of an educational-professional program of 90-120 ECTS credits.

A person has the right to obtain a bachelor’s degree if he or she has a complete general secondary education.

The first (bachelor’s) level of higher education presupposes the acquisition by higher education students with the ability to solve complex, specialized tasks in a certain field of professional activity.

A bachelor’s degree is a degree obtained at the first level of higher education and awarded by a higher education institution as a result of the successful completion of a higher education program of 180-240 ECTS credits. The scope of the educational-professional program for obtaining a bachelor’s degree on the basis of a junior bachelor’s degree is determined by the higher educational institution.

A person has the right to obtain a bachelor’s degree if he or she has a complete general secondary education or a bachelor’s degree.

The second (master’s) level of higher education involves the acquisition by higher education students of the ability to solve research and/or innovative problems in a particular field of professional activity.

A master’s degree is an educational degree obtained at the second level of higher education and awarded by a higher education institution as a result of the successful completion of the relevant educational program by the higher education institution. The master’s degree is obtained by the educational-professional or educational-scientific program. The volume of the educational-professional master’s program is 90-120 ECTS credits, the volume of the educational-scientific program is 120 ECTS credits. The master’s educational and scientific program must include a research (scientific) component of at least 30 percent.

A person has the right to obtain a master’s degree if he or she has a bachelor’s degree.

The third (educational-scientific/educational-creative) level involves the acquisition by higher education students with the ability to solve complex problems in the field of professional and/or research and innovation activities.

The Doctor of Philosophy is an educational and, at the same time the first scientific degree obtained at the third level of higher education on the basis of a master’s degree. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is awarded by a specialized academic council of a higher education institution or research institution as a result of successful completion of the relevant educational and scientific program and public defense of the dissertation in a specialized academic council.

A person has the right to obtain a doctorate while studying in graduate school. Persons who professionally carry out the scientific, scientific-technical, or scientific-pedagogical activity at the main place of work have the right to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy outside postgraduate studies, in particular during creative leave, subject to the successful implementation of the relevant educational and scientific program and public defense in the specialized scientific council.

The normative term of preparation of the doctor of philosophy in the postgraduate study makes four years. The volume of the educational component of the educational-scientific program of preparation of the doctor of philosophy makes 30-60 credits of ECTS.

The scientific level of higher education presupposes the ability of a person to identify and solve socially significant systemic problems in a certain field of activity, which are key to sustainable development and require the creation of new system-forming knowledge and advanced technologies.

Doctor of Science is the second scientific degree obtained by a person at the scientific level of higher education on the basis of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and involves the acquisition of the highest competencies in developing and implementing research methodology, conducting original research, obtaining scientific results, or applied problems, are of national or global importance and published in scientific journals.

Education at the university is carried out in the following forms:

  • full-time(daily);
  • part-time. 

Forms of education can be combined.

Normative terms of study in the appropriate forms are determined by the content of the relevant educational programs and curricula approved in the prescribed manner on their basis.

It is possible to receive higher education in the dual form of education, ie to combine education with professional training.

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