Educational activity is the one which imparts services to obtain higher education and results in getting a diploma.
The educational process is an intellectual, creative activity in the field of higher education and science, which is carried out at a higher educational institution by the means of a system of scientific, methodological and pedagogical activities. It aims at transferring, mastering, increasing and applying knowledge, skills and other competencies by students and development of a well-integrated personality.
The educational process and its organization follow these principles:
- respect for everyone, ensuring their rights and freedoms, including the right to education;
- strict compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the current legislation governing educational activities;
- science, humanism, democracy;
- compliance with education levels, succession and continuity of education;
- integration of educational, methodical and research work;
- ensuring the quality of education which meets educational standards;
- ensuring the competitiveness of State University of Infrastructure and Technologies and its graduates at the national and global levels;
- development of educational programs according to the National Qualifications Framework, educational standards and best international experience;
- ensuring an integrated cross-cutting approach to the development of educational programs for all educational levels with mandatory outline of learning outcomes and assessment criteria;
- when developing and revising curricula, taking into account world experience, the needs of the labor market, the involvement of employers, leading scientists, practitioners, graduates and applicants in this process;
- application of a student-oriented approach;
- wide introduction of innovative educational technologies;
- electronic support of educational activities;
- providing higher education students with favorable conditions for self-study and creative development;
- compatibility of educational programs with international classifications and standards of higher education, internationalization of education, its integration into the world educational and scientific space;
- humanization of education as an integral part of social activity;
- integration of modes and content of education and needs of professional activity;
- avoiding the influence of political parties, public and religious organizations.
Parties involved in the educational process at the university are:
- scientific researchers and educational staff members;
- applicants for higher education and other persons studying at higher educational institutions;
- experts-practitioners who are involved in the educational process according to educational and professional programs;
- other employees of higher educational institutions.
The language of instruction at the university is the state language. The use of languages at higher education institutions is determined by the laws of Ukraine Про забезпечення функціонування української мови як державної та Про освіту.