Inclusive education

Conditions of accessibility of university premises for training of persons with special educational needs

ЗАКОН УКРАЇНИ «ПРО ОСВІТУ» від 05.09.2017 року №2145-VІІІ 
Стаття 19. Освіта осіб з особливими освітніми потребами
Стаття 20. Інклюзивне навчання

Положення про організацію інклюзивного навчання у Державному університеті інфраструктури та технологій
Порядок супроводу осіб з інвалідністю та інших маломобільних груп населення у Державному університеті інфраструктури та технологій

The State University of Infrastructure and Technologies has created favorable conditions for the education of students with special educational needs, including persons with disabilities, namely:

  • availability of ramps;
  • buildings with special educational needs equipped with lifts;
  • schemes for the organization of safe movement equipped with handrails.

All the main rooms of the university have natural lighting.

The following requirements were taken into account when decorating the classrooms:

  • the walls are light-colored;
  • doors, furniture, desks – natural wood color;
  • classrooms with dark green walls;
  • white walls, window frames.

From September to June, the level of light in the rooms is increased by piece-by-piece lighting – fluorescent lamps.

The rooms are equipped with central heating and ventilation systems, which ensure favorable microclimatic conditions in the interior environment.

The cleanliness of the air in the building is ensured by regular wet cleaning and the use of all types of ventilation (scrubbing, sideways, single-sided).

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