Students self-government

Students self-government

Student Self-Government of SUIT is an association of students, the purpose of which is to create conditions for self-realization of students and the formation of their organizational skills, leadership skills and responsibility for the results of their work.

Members of the Student Council of SUIT are creative, talented, persistent and ambitious students of our University, who are not indifferent to the future of the student community of our institution of higher education, its development and organization of leisure.

The motto that the Student Council of SUIT takes as a basis: “Audaces fortuna invat!” (from the Latin. “Good luck to the brave!”).

The Student Council of SUIT is a body of student self-government at the level of the University, which in its activities is guided by the Law of Ukraine “Про вищу освіту”, namely Art. 40 and the Regulations on Student Self-Government of SUIT.

To achieve the goal of student self-government of SUIT, which was mentioned at the beginning, the Student Council of SUIT is working on a number of key tasks.

Our main tasks:

  • protection of students’ rights and interests;
  • promotion of educational, scientific and creative activities of students;
  • assistance in improving the living and recreation conditions of students;
  • promoting the creation of various student groups,
  • societies, associations, interest clubs and coordination of their activities;
  • participation in solving issues of international student exchange;
  • ensuring student participation in the implementation of state youth politics;
  • representation in collegial, representative, working, advisory bodies of SUIT and their separate structural subdivisions;
  • control over the academic and labor discipline of students, prompt response to cases and violations;
  • participation in the work of admission and scholarship commissions;
  • organization and coordination of the work of student self-government bodies in dormitories and campus.
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