The procedure for organizing academic mobility programs for participants in the educational process at the University on the territory of Ukraine or abroad is determined by the Regulation on the procedure for the implementation of the right to academic mobility by participants in the educational process of the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies(.PDF).
The opportunity to academic mobility can be exercised on the basis of international agreements on cooperation in the field of education and science, international programs and projects, agreements on cooperation between the University or its main structural divisions and foreign higher educational institutions (scientific institutions) and their main structural divisions, as well as can be implemented by the staff and students of the University on their own initiative, supported by the University administration, on the basis of individual invitations and other mechanisms.
According to the place of realization of the right to academic mobility, it is subdivided into:
- internal academic mobility – academic mobility, the opportunity for which is realized by native participants in the educational process in higher educational institutions (scientific institutions) – partners within Ukraine;
- international academic mobility – academic mobility, the opportunity for which is realized by native participants in the educational process in higher educational institutions (scientific institutions) – partners outside Ukraine, as well as foreign participants in the educational process in native higher educational institutions (scientific institutions).
The main types of academic mobility are:
- stepwise mobility – study at a higher educational institution, other than the permanent place of study of a participant in the educational process, in order to obtain a higher education degree, which is confirmed by a document (documents) on higher education or on obtaining a higher education degree from two or more higher educational institutions;
- credit mobility – study at a higher educational institution, other than the permanent place of study of a participant in the educational process, in order to obtain ECTS credits and / or relevant competencies, learning outcomes (without obtaining ECTS credits), which will be recognized in a higher educational institution of a permanent place of study of a native or a foreign participant in the educational process. At the same time, the total period of study for such participants in credit mobility programs remains unchanged.
For applicants for higher education SUIT for the period of study in another higher educational institution (scientific institution) – a partner on the territory of Ukraine or abroad, in accordance with the concluded agreement on academic mobility, the place of study and the payment of the scholarship in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine (according to the Regulation on the procedure for exercising the right to academic mobility, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12.08.2015 No. 579) during training, internship or scientific activity in another higher educational institution (scientific institution) – a partner on the territory of Ukraine or abroad limits, if the scholarship is not provided for by the conditions of academic mobility.
The recognition of learning outcomes is carried out on the basis of the European credit transfer and accumulation system.
Comparison of the volume of workload during higher education within the framework of the academic mobility program should be based on a comparison of the learning outcomes achieved by the applicant for higher education at the partner higher education institution and the learning outcomes planned for the educational program of the higher education institution in which the applicant is studying on a permanent basis.
If the applicant for higher education of the SUIT, during his stay at a higher educational institution (scientific institution) – a partner on the basis of which the right to academic mobility is realized, did not complete the training program, then upon returning to the University, if he studies on a permanent basis, he may be offered an individual schedule for the elimination of academic debt or a second course of study at the expense of individuals or legal entities.
The team of the Department of international relations and work with foreign students offers you the following competitive proposals:
- Grants for scientific research;
- Grants for post-docs and graduate students;
- Competitions for scientists and students;
- Summer schools and internships;
- Scholarships for study abroad.