Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies

Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies

The University trains specialists in the degrees Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is an educational and the first scientific degree obtained at the third level of higher education based on a master’s degree. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is awarded by a specialized Academic Council of a higher education institution as a result of successful completion of the relevant educational and scientific program and public defense of the dissertation. 

Doctor of Science is the second scientific degree obtained by a person at the scientific level of higher education based on the degree. Doctor of Philosophy. A person who has the degree of Candidate of Sciences has passed the appropriate stage of study in the research department (doctoral program), prepared, and publicly defended a specific scientific work (doctoral dissertation) is awarded a degree of Doctor of Science. Taking into account the opinion of the expert council, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approves the decision of the Scientific Council on awarding a scientific degree and issues a diploma of Doctor of Science. 

In SUIT trains Doctors of Sciences in the following specialties:

  • 032 History and Archeology
  • 123 Computer Engineering
  • 273 Railway Transport
  • 275 Transport Technologies (by types of transport)

Doctors of Philosophy are trained in the following specialties:

  • 032 History and Archeology
  • 051 Economics
  • 073 Management
  • 081 Law
  • 122 Computer Science
  • 123 Computer Engineering
  • 271 River and Sea Transport 
  • 273 Railway Transport
  • 275 Transport Technologies (by types of transport)


9, Kyrylivska Str., R.120-б
tel. +38(044) 482-51-32
tel. +38(093) 989-89-04

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